On Friday, February 28th, Local 15 Vice President Ben Busser, Senior Assistant Business Managers Mike Freeman and Jim Collins, hosted a Steward School for new Local 15 Stewards. The Stewards were trained on IBEW/Local 15 history, stewardship, contractual language, duty of fair representation, employee rights, fact-finding meetings, and grievances and arbitrations. President Chris Riser addressed the group, emphasizing the importance of their roles as Stewards.
(Pictured Below) Jake Debolt, Jerami Reyes, Adolfo Arias, Doug Ashton, Tom Ruane, Shadonta Travis, Ryan Thornton, Zach Bolte, Kevin Millette, Chris Ravena, Pat Jensen, Kassidy Brust, Kevin Gruber, Matthew Wilson, Tom Rakes, Ryan Taplin, Matt Marrandino, Matthew Provance, and Trevor Perry.
Thank you for being a part of IBEW Local 15, taking on the responsibility, and understanding the importance of being a steward!