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Return to Remote Work for Clerical

The Flexible Work Agreement has been in place since May 6th, 2022, however with the implementation of CC&B, the company made the decision to bring New Business Central and all the departments under Customer Operations back to the office full time.  The implementation of new technology like CC&B brings about changes in work duties and processes. This potential loss of work should be closely monitored during times of technological change. As we have seen, these new systems have many workarounds, and at times it may be difficult to see a clear line of demarcation between management and bargaining unit duties.  The company notified the Local that they were on schedule to reach their targeted metrics and the steady state they were looking for. As such, they are ready to start returning departments to their original status. The first department to return will be New Business Central. The Local was notified that NBC will be returning to a fully remote status on 7/29/24.  All of Customer Ops, including the Care Center, Billing, Revenue Management, Smart Meter Ops, Customer Relations, and Customer Care & Advocacy will be returning to their, pre-CC&B, hybrid status on 9/15/24. The importance of ensuring that we do not lose our work cannot be stressed enough.

If there is ever a concern or question about job duties, when working either at home or on site, please reach out to your stewards. They can do the investigation to ensure that our work does not get siphoned off during these technological changes.  If it turns out that we are losing work or that people are letting management perform BU work for the convenience of working remotely we will not renew the agreement moving forward.  Convenience of working at home is not worth losing jobs.  


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