Collective Bargaining Agreement and Supplement to Collective Bargaining Agreement between Constellation Generation and IBEW Local 15
5. Should any dispute or difference arise between the Company and the Union
or its members as to the interpretation or application of any of the provisions of this Agreement or with respect to job working conditions, the term working conditions being limited to those elements concerned with the hours when an employee is at work and the
acts required of the employee during such hours, the dispute or difference shall be settled through the grievance procedure.
It is the intent of the Company, Local Union 15, and the employees that timely filed
grievances shall be settled promptly. A grievance is timely filed when submitted at
Step 1 of this grievance process by the appropriate Local Union 15 representative in
writing on the form adopted for such purpose to an appropriate management representative
of the Company no later than thirty (30) calendar days after the date of the action
complained of, or the date the employee became aware or reasonably should have become aware of the incident which is the basis for the grievance, whichever is later.
A dispute as to whether a particular disagreement is a proper subject for the grievance
procedure shall itself be treated as a grievance.
Vistra Kincaid CBA Language
13.1 Grievance Defined
Should any dispute or difference arise between the Union, or any Employee or
Employees covered by this Agreement, and the Company with respect to the
interpretation, application or alleged violation of this Agreement the dispute or
difference shall be settled through the grievance procedure, provided that no
grievance will be considered which is more than three weeks old. A dispute as to
whether a particular disagreement is proper subject for the grievance procedure
shall itself be treated as a grievance.
NRG CBA Language
11.1 Grievance Defined
Should any dispute or difference arise between the Union, or any Employee or
Employees covered by this Agreement, and the Company with respect to the
or alleged violation of this Agreement the dispute or
difference shall be settled through the grievance procedure, provided that no
grievance will be considered which is more than 3 weeks old. A dispute as to
whether a particular disagreement is proper subject for the grievance procedure
shall itself be treated as a grievance.
Collective Bargaining Agreement and Supplement to Collective Bargaining Agreement between Commonwealth Edison Company & Exelon Business Services Company and IBEW Local 15
ARTICLE III Seniority, Promotions, Transfers, Layoffs, Reemployment
11. An employee who is promoted shall be given not more than a ninety (90) day training and qualifying period for determination as to whether or not the employee can meet the job requirements. If it is decided the employee is not competent to perform the work of the new job classification, the employee will be transferred back to their former job classification. Commercial Physical employees shall have included in their seniority the time spent in the higher job classification and Clerical employees will continue to maintain their promotional service date.
12. The Company will afford the senior employee in a job classification a reasonable opportunity to be trained for the next higher job in their promotional series to the extent that the Company finds it practicable to provide such training taking into account the job requirements and working conditions involved. This policy is predicated on the understanding between the Company and the Union that such training will not affect the Company's right to assign any work to an individual at any particular time.
13. When a Commercial Physical or Clerical employee is temporarily assigned to other work, the employee's seniority or promotional service date will continue to accrue in their regular job classification.