On September 7th and 8th, Local 15 Members attended the IBEW 30th Annual Utility Workers Coalition Conference in Madison, Wisconsin. The Conference included a MISO Update, Workshops including - Small Scale Nuclear, Basic Labor Law Training, OHSA Updates, Battery Storage and Electrification, Electric Transmission and Distribution updates, Generation update and a State by State update panel, Local 15 Business Rep Mike Keating gave the report for Illinois. Pictured left to right: SSC Steward, Pat Runyen. Quad Cities Chief Steward, Nick Creen. Generation Business Rep, John Richards. Physical Business Rep, Mike Keating. Physical Business Rep, Shawn Wachter and Overhead Steward, Nick Yates.

On August 29th - 30th, Senior Assistant Business Managers Mike Freeman and Jim Collins, Generation Business Rep - John Richards and Physical Business Rep Bernard Robinson, attended the IBEW Membership Conference in Chicago.

Local 15 Members attended the 6th District Women’s Conference and Progress Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
(Pictured Below) Care Center CSR Chief Steward, Terry Rosas. Chicago North Crew Leader, Andrea Simmons. Chicago North OES, Savoya Taylor. Clerical Business Rep, Lisa Sims. Care Center C1 Steward, Bridget Brennan. Chicago South OES, Kristen Martin. Commercial Center Biller and Steward, Maria Patino.