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2024 Year in Review!

In 2024, Local 15 Representatives spent a lot of time on the backlog of active grievances and grievances filed pending arbitration.  In 2022, when President Chris Riser took over at Local 15, he made it a top priority to go through the backlog of over 1400 grievances filed pending arbitration. Since then, Local 15 Business reps have been meticulously going through each grievance and made determinations based on the facts and documentation provided in each grievance. We reduced the pending arbitration backlog number in 2024 by approximately 460. Today we have a pending arbitration backlog of less than 300! This is an important piece to the future of Local 15 and the vision of how we want to conduct business moving forward under President Risers’ leadership.

2024 Commercial Physical and Clerical Accomplishments

  • Locating Pilot Agreement

  • SSG Boring Agreement

  • Amended the Mutual Aid Agreement

  • Smart Meter Ops Staffing Ratio Settlement

  • Lead Area Operator Agreement

  • Amendment to Fleet Services Realignment

  • Valtin Guidelines Update

  • SSC Fiber Demarcation

  • Reviewed and clarified O&C/Non O&C Guideline with Project Management and Labor

  • Revamp of OH Helper and CW assessments

  • Consistent talks with SSC over the future of the department

  • Created a new presentation for New Hire Onboarding

  • Local 15 negotiated settlements to 25 photography related grievances totaling approximately $27,000 in Valtin offered or paid out to the affected employees.

  • Held our Annual Stewards Meeting in May where we bring 70+ stewards (Physical and Clerical) together to discuss and update them on Local 15.

  • Negotiated Call Center CC&B Project Staffing Agreement providing for PT CSRs to voluntarily convert to FT status for a 6-month period with full benefits (73% yes response, 112 of 153 Part-Time CSRs converted)

  • Flexible Work Agreement extended for another year

  • Improved SASS Testing Process - will allow members to sign up whenever they want rather than have to wait for quarterly testing

  • Negotiated arbitration settlement for 3 Smart Meter Operations staffing related grievances which provides for all future vacancies to be filled on an every-other-one basis, requires the company to track offerings for ET & SET positions separately, requires the company to declare the locations of available positions prior to posting to each group and requires that openings are sorted and offered alphabetically, also requires 18 months of metering experience to be considered eligible for SET positions. The settlement maintains clerical opportunities in SMO moving forward

  • New Job Bidding Website

  • In the grievance process we were successful in having 642 hours of bypass awarded to NCRs.  The hours occurred during the post 90-day training period. 

  • Updated the links and refreshed the look for the Clerical L15 SharePoint site.

2024 Generation Accomplishments

  • Legislative and Political

Involved in getting HB2473 passed which removed the ban on construction of nuclear power plants.  This bill allows for Nuclear Reactors up to 300MW to be built in Illinois.

Worked with Illinois EPA on getting construction permits passed which allowed Powerton to begin the process of upgrading their ash bypass basin.   Without these permits, Powerton would’ve been required to cease operations in October of 2024.

Involved in Byron Station rezoning of land in an effort to attract a customer such as a datacenter.

  • Settlements

Kincaid Bypassed Mechanic Settlement – Resulted in 4 Mechanics being promoted and given time served in the higher classification which will impact future promotions.

Constellation 401k maximum limit Settlement – Prior to arbitration, we reached a settlement that will require the Company to match dollar for dollar up to 5% on the paycheck in which a member hits the 415c maximum 401k limit (Pre-tax, Roth, after tax & matching contributions combined).

  • Agreements

Constellation Staffing Initiative Agreement – added 71 new nuclear physical members through a Valve Services Group, RP Travelers, RP taking on Decon Laborer work at the BWR sites & Facilities Maintenance Agreement Amendments.  Increased Local 15 membership and reduced contracting.  This also increased the welder additive for all Constellation welders from $.50 to $1.00/hour.

NRG Travel Agreement – This Agreement lays out terms for traveling outside of the service territory such as to one of NRG’s Texas plants.

  • Ancillary

Organized 21 new members who work at a natural gas plant in Rock Falls, IL. (Invenergy)

VP Busser spoke at the 2024 IBEW Nuclear Conference.

Resolved a medical insurance issue for a Kincaid member, this prevented the employee from being charged $22,500 in medical expenses.

Held Nuclear Group Stewards Meeting at Local 15 Office including 2 Nuclear Chief Stewards Meetings.

All Local 15 Accomplishments

  • President Riser, VP Busser, Mike Freeman & Jim Collins attended the School for Workers Collective Bargaining Institute at the University of Wisconsin.

  • Worked with Albertino Financial providing presentations with important information on benefits and retirement for over 200 members. 

  • 10 scholarships were given to Local 15 members children

  • 80 members and their families participated in the Rockford Labor Day Parade

  • Created the Charity Fund Organization

  • President Riser testified in front of the ICC to support the grid plan, securing work for Local 15 members.

  • Currently negotiating a contract with Invenergy gas plant.

  • Re-Established the EWMC (Electrical Workers Minority Caucus)

  • Revised and improved our Union stewards Training – where we trained Stewards on IBEW/Local 15 history, stewardship, contractual language, duty of fair representation, employee rights, fact-finding meetings, and grievances and arbitrations.

  • Business Reps attended Multiple IBEW conferences with Local 15 members and stewards.

  • Sent Members to Arbitration School at the University of Illinois in Champaign.

  • Continue to improve the website and communications to the members.

  • Held a 30th Birthday Celebration at Great America for Local 15 members and their families.

  • Held our 2nd annual Charity Golf Outing, raising over $35k for childhood cancer.

  • Organized Stitch Me LLC, and we are currently negotiating a contract.

Chris Riser
President / Business Manager / Financial Secretary
Ben Busser
Vice President / Senior Assistant Business Manager

IBEW LOCAL 15 | 6330 Belmont Road,  Suite 1 | Downers Grove,  IL 60516

Union Office - (630) 515-0381 | Union Fax - (630) 515-0835

© 2025 by IBEW Local 15 - All Rights Reserved

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