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105 Years! and Counting....

Updated: Apr 5, 2024

Numbers 1 & 2 on the Clerical Seniority List have a combined 105 years with the company. On April 15th Rose Schmidt (left) will celebrate 50 years with the Company & on June 30th Patty Jordan will have 55 years.   Both ladies have spent the majority of their careers being Billers.  In 1974, when Rose Schmidt began in Revenue Accounting (they didn't call it Billing back then) she didn’t even use a computer, she calculated bills with a desktop adding machine. In 1969, before Neil Armstrong even set foot on the moon, Patty Jordan was working for ComEd.  These two ladies have seen much change and innovation in their years with the company. This new operating system that was just launched is just another change in many they've lived and work through including transitioning to emergency remote & hybrid work models as they worked through a global pandemic during their ComEd careers.  

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